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Mini-grants are awarded to teachers and staff who submit proposals to TSF to enhance the educational experience of students. Since 1998, Tecumseh Schools Foundation has directed over $40,000 to support projects, such as adventure education classes. Some of those programs include: Puppeteer Artist in Residence, Payback for Education, Tecumseh Youth Theater, outdoor education classes, student assemblies, special equipment or materials, camp scholarships, class trips to Jackson Space Center, Michigan 's Capital, Greenfield Village, and D.A.R.E.


The grants are named for Marilyn DiCarlo, a long-time educator and board member of the Tecumseh Schools Foundation who championed the mini-grant program. She died June 11, 2009.


The Foundation will consider awarding a Marilyn DiCarlo Memorial Mini-Grant for enrichment programs, lectures, student assemblies, research and development, innovative classroom projects, special materials, projects which facilitate school and community partnerships and funding cultural and fine arts programs for the students of Tecumseh. The foundation generally considers books, equipment, and supplies to fall under the regular school budget and will usually refuse requests for these items. Busing to special events will be considered on an individual basis, but may be declined.


Grant Range: Minimum of $100. Maximum of $1,500. Grant awards will be subject to modification reflected by availability of funds. Application deadlines: Grant applications may be submitted at any time but will only be awarded by majority vote of the membership in the course of a regular meeting of the Foundation. Currently, the TSF meets five times per year: in September, November, January, April, and July. In order to ensure that your application will be considered at an upcoming meeting, please make sure to have application turned in by the end of the month prior to a meeting (i.e. March 31st for consideration at the April meeting). Retain a file copy of all application materials.

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P.O. Box 384, Tecumseh, MI 49286

© 2015 Tecumseh Schools Foundation/Alumni Association.

Web site gratefully provided by funds from the Bedore Endowment. En

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